Use of Cookies
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files - containing nothing more than letters and numbers - which are downloaded by your computer when you access and use certain websites. Cookies allow websites to recognise devices and provide content accordingly.
This page provides you with clear information on how this site uses cookies, how you can disable them (if you should wish to) and the effects of doing so. For more information on what cookies are and how they are used on the Internet, please see the information on the independent site All About Cookies and the Wikipedia article on HTTP cookies.
Accepting/disabling all cookies
We recommend that you accept all cookies from our website as they have been selected to enhance the functionality and service provided to you. If you disable any of these cookies then you may impair the functionality of the website and you may not experience all its features in the way it was designed to be enjoyed.
If you do wish to disable these cookies, we recommend that you set your browser to disable cookies for Generally the option appears under "Tools" or "Settings" in a section called "Privacy" and is intuitive. Different browsers provide this feature differently so please refer to your browser help section for detailed information. Alternatively, Internet search for "Disabling cookies with X browser" where X is your browser name.
We cannot accept responsibility for any diminished service level should you choose to disable cookies.
Accepting/disabling specific cookies
We are working to provide you with the ability to manage your cookie preferences within our website but this is currently under development. In the meantime, we have detailed all the cookies set by this website, their purpose and details of how to opt out where available.
The tables below, which explain the cookies we use and why, are based on the International Chamber of Commerce guide for cookie categories - Strictly Necessary, Performance, Functionality and Targeting. The information is updated regularly but if a discrepancy is found then please contact us.
1 Strictly Necessary Cookies
These include session and load balancer cookies. A load balancer may be used by our website to store an identifier on your browser to ensure that, where possible, you remain connected to the same web server throughout your visit to improve your experience. Session cookies enable our individual web servers to keep track of your progress throughout your visit. These cookies expire when you leave the website and contain no personally identifiable information.
2 Performance Cookies
The cookies set by Google Analytics are used to help us gather information about how this website is used by its visitors. The information is not personally identifiable. We use this to help us improve services and to better understand your requirements. Google Analytics is a free service, provided by Google, and uses several cookies. More information on the cookies that are set through our use of Google Analytics can be found on Google's Cookies & Google Analytics page. If you wish to disable these cookies then please use the opt-out browser add-on supplied by Google. You can also alternatively set your browser to reject all or certain cookies. Disabling cookies set by Google Analytics will provide no reduced service to you, but it will mean that we will not be able to capture detailed information about the experience of our users online, nor will we be able to track and improve the level of service our website is providing to users.
3 Functionality Cookies
These are used to bring social sharing functionality to the site.
4 Targeting Cookies
These cookies are governed by third party services such as 'like' and 'share' buttons and advertisements. They are used to collect information about your browsing habits and deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interest. They include Facebook cookies. We use targeting cookies to send third parties information on your visit so that they can make their advertising more relevant to you when you visit their websites.
5 YouTube Cookies
Some of our web pages contain embedded video content from YouTube. When you visit a page with an embedded YouTube video, or click to view the video, you may be presented with cookies from YouTube. 'I.M.S. — International Meditation Society – Dubai does not control the setting of these cookies. To find out more please visit YouTube's embedding videos information page.
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them please visit