Ged Valente, the chairman of our organisation in the UAE
Advocates the practice's health and career benefits Read more
Consistently effective - TM works for everyone
Taught one-on-one - Personalised instruction with a certified TM teacher
Evidence based - Hundreds of published research studies
Take the first step Call 0586577331 or 0501140117 - Ask us a question
Advocates the practice's health and career benefits Read more
Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, effortless technique practised 20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably.
It enables mind and body to access a special quality of rest. Over ten million people of all ages, cultures and religions have learnt TM. Anyone can learn!
The TM technique allows your mind to easily settle inward, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness. It is completely different to other meditation techniques as it involves no concentrating or focusing, no trying to "empty the mind".
Ray Dalio, Founder of hedge fund firm, Bridgewater Associates
Stress and anxiety are harmful to health, happiness, creativity and productivity. Hundreds of published research studies on TM verify its effectiveness for reducing stress, enhancing brain function, strengthening immunity and much more.
Remove the root cause of anxiety naturally
Regular practice of Transcendental Meditation gives a calmer, more peaceful state of mind.
146 independent studies show Transcendental Meditation is significantly more effective in reducing trait anxiety than other techniques.
Source: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1989; 45:957-974
The way to break the insomnia cycle is to give the whole physiology a dose of profound inner rest and stillness. TM is highly effective at producing a state of deep inner calm. Many people report an immediate improvement in their sleep quality after learning TM.
Source:Journal of Counselling and Development
When your inner resources cannot meet the demands of daily life, you get stressed. TM increases tolerance and the ability to recover from stressful situations.
Decrease your stress hormones naturally
TM's effect on cortisol: this landmark study published in Hormones and Behavour found that Transcendential Meditation reduces cortisol by 30%.
The Stress Hormone
Reference: Hormones and Behaviour
Neurologists have found that practising Transcendental Meditation releases serotonin, the neurotransmitter that affects your feelings of well-being and happiness.
Reference: Journal of Neural Transmission Vol 39, 1976, pp257-267
TM is one of the most effective methods for time management. An orderly mind prioritises and does not suffer from time pressure, naturally enhancing creativity.
Effortlessly connect with your deepest inner creativity.
A major research study at American University found that TM creates alpha brain waves. The Mayo Clinic describes alpha brain waves as being associated with a "relaxed, happy, focused" state of mind.
That's why people who learn TM often say they're more focused, creative and productive in activity than ever before. Many of them previously tried other forms of meditation. The chart below illustrates a key difference between TM and other techniques.
Extensive scientific research has shown distinct benefits for cardiovascular health, including reduced high blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke.
A five-year study on patients with coronary heart disease reported a 48% reduction in heart attack, stroke and death among those practicing Transcendental Meditation compared to other controls.
Source: Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Published 2000 to present
Published 2000 to present
Research published 2000 to present
2000 to present
Published 2000 to present
Published 2000 to present
Imagine trying to learn a natural golf swing or the violin. You know how valuable it is for a good teacher to show you the proper technique.
The TM technique is easy to learn, but requires personalized interactive guidance. For this reason, it's taught only through one-on-one instruction by a certified TM teacher.
There is no other way to learn the authentic TM technique — and there is no evidence that anything else provides the full range of benefits documented in the published research on the TM technique.
The TM technique allows your mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness — pure consciousness.
No problem at all. Unlike other forms of meditation, TM practice involves no concentration, no control of the mind, no contemplation, no monitoring of thoughts. It is completely effortless.
The TM technique's effectiveness is the same whether you believe it will work or are completely sceptical. That's because it automatically and effortlessly allows your active thinking mind to settle down to a state of deep inner calm.
Bob Roth's video is an excellent introduction to TM. You will hear about:
Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety.
What benefits you can realistically expect.
How it works – the process of transcending.
How TM differs from other meditations.
Then to contact a certified TM Teacher please complete the form below.
Transcendental Meditation in Dubai
Call 0586577331
Transcendental Meditation in Abu Dhabi
Call 0501140117
Transcendental Meditation in Sharjah
Call 0582941030
TM elsewhere in the UAE
Call 0586577331 or 072076532
Ged Valente TM Center Chairman
Call 0501140117 or +4407949373415
Maharishi Ayurveda UAE
Call 0586577331
Copyright Maharishi Foundation UAE
Maharishi Foundation UAE have been teaching Transcendental Meditation® in UAE for more than 50 years. They are the sole licenced users in UAE of the registered trade mark Transcendental Meditation. This is the only official website for Transcendental Meditation in UAE. Booking on this website ensures that you are learning authentic Transcendental Meditation , founded by Maharishi, from a certified, professional trained teacher.